DEli / DEco / DEan

Floor Delimiter

Delimiters have been engineered by Go Systems to protect structures all around areas where there’s material’s handling and logistic automated transportation. These zones are constantly under an high impact risk level caused by accidental crash of the vehicles moving around. The delimiters block acts through a wheels blocking system which stops the vehicle, preventing the truck to go further on and preserving the integrity of the structure that has to be protected. The different delimiter’s versions have been developed in order to satisfy all possible requests of customers involved in safety management. DEli delimiter, straight-line version, manufactured with rounded or straitght edges as from request. DEco version, with junctions, is manufactured in order to put many blocks together one after another with junction points. DEan delimiter, anaconda version, has been projected for variable geometry applications. This protection system is realized in BT technopolymer and is therefore low temperatures resistant and suitable to be installed in indoor areas as in outdoor areas.

DEli - Single Modulus

DEco - Modular System

DEan - Variable Geometri System


BT Class Polymer

High elasticity in case of crashes also at low temperatures

Excellent reaction at high temperatures up to +60°C

Excellent reaction at low temperatures down to -55°C

High waterproof level

In accordance with hygienic HACCP rules